About the Awesome

This blog contains the random thoughts of an 18-year-old vocal performance major. Proceed with caution.

About Eric

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Thornton, CO, United States

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today was a fairly stressful day for me. And all the stress had one common root: Chemistry.

I am not skilled in the world of sciences. I thank God every day that I have a decent voice, because I'd otherwise be screwed. I'm not even kidding.

The thing about chemistry that gets me the most is the fact that it's like a two-faced teenage girl (I use the feminine for the simple purposes of comparison-- there are no doubt two-faced boys out there as well. I simply am using it because I'm sexist.) Chemistry never has a simple set of rules of follow. No. It's gotta follow one set of rules for one process, and a whole other set for a different process. There's no simplistic way to just know it. There are simply too many sets of rules to understand.

Today, I went to school feeling fairly confident about my chemistry worksheet that I had worked on last night. That is, until second period, when I realized, to my complete and utter horror, that I had done the entire sheet incorrectly. I had followed the processes for a strong acid in a reaction that produced a weak one. Immediately, I panicked and started trying to figure out the true answers.

We also had a quiz in chem on Periodicity-- a subject we "learned" (and I use that term loosely) last year. I think I did okay on it. Hopefully I did, because I haven't been faring well on the quizzes this far into the year.

With ten minutes of our class time spent on a quiz, we got to spend the last fifteen minutes of the hour to finish a lab that we hadn't been able to finish yesterday, due to time constraints. Our group, luckily, was able to finish the lab-- other groups weren't so lucky. They'll hopefully be able to finish their labs in due course.

When I finally got to Spanish 8th hour (late, of course), I sat down and realized how exhausted (mentally and physically) that I was. Chemistry is going to be the death of me. I was hoping that I would be able to do better this year, since Ms. Robertson is more assertive and no-nonsense-- a type of teacher I do well with. Hopefully this is just a nasty speed-bump that will pass with time.

I have some choppy waters ahead of me in the proverbial sea of chemistry.

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