About the Awesome

This blog contains the random thoughts of an 18-year-old vocal performance major. Proceed with caution.

About Eric

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Thornton, CO, United States

Sunday, October 17, 2010


It actually went pretty well. Much better than last year's Homecoming. The DJ was ten thousand times better. (Seriously. I did the calculations.)

Then again, maybe I'm blowing things way out of proportion since this was my last ever high school Homecoming. Depending on where I go to college (I still have no idea. :P), it may have been my last Homecoming ever. It's weird when I think about it. A year from now I'll be in college, surviving off of Ramen. It's hard to believe that this chapter of my life is coming to a close. It kinda makes me want to cry and jump for joy at the same time.

On one hand, I am very excited to be independent and start supporting myself (though my parents, God bless them, are willing to back me financially.) On the other hand, I'm going to miss the lack of responsibility that the dependence of childhood has to offer. Though college is not quite an accurate simulation of the real world, it's going to be a lot more real than the life I'm currently living.

Anyway. Tangent.

Homecoming was pretty awesome. They played some good songs-- luckily, thanks to my iPod malfunction a few months ago, I had to use the radio and so I was able to sing and dance along to most of the songs played. And, of course, the DJ played three Lady Gaga songs, which made my night. :D

Really, a night with my friends is something to be cherished. We could hang out in an old junkyard and have a great time. Though, I'm sure Homecoming (for the most part, anyway-- there were some sweaty kids) would smell a tad better. ;)

In other news, I am currently in the middle of a poke war with Jimena Vallejo. She is one stubborn son of a gun. I am also working on my ToK debate. I have to represent Diogenes, a so-called "cynic" who believed that a life free of possessions and doing whatever the heck you wanted (playing with yourself in public, for example) was absolutely okay. He was quite an interesting persona.

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