That was a joke.
Moving on.
I had my Eagle Board of Review last night. Only one year, two months, and some odd days after my Eagle project, which was finished on August 2, 2009. Hmm. A bit of a gap. But I don't care. September of 2009 was when I was first getting myself into the IB Diploma programme, and I have since had no free time.
Well. That's not entirely true. But my mind was certainly in other places. :)
That was certainly the highlight of my week. Now, I can put the fact that I'm an Eagle Scout on all of my college apps (I actually...had already... put it on my Boettcher application. I'm glad it all worked out. :P) It's one thing of many that I can finally check off of my list of things to get done. My very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long list of things to do.
Becoming an Eagle Scout is no longer one of those things. Now I can focus on EE, CAS, IB, Chemistry (which I believe deserves its own category since it's currently killing me), College apps, scholarships (though... I did send in my YoungArts DVD and I'm waiting anxiously to hear back from them. :D), and other things that I probably have blocked from my mind at the moment to compensate for the stress that it causes.
Funny thing about my Board of Review. I was never told that my Scoutmaster and parents had to be present-- I had assumed that they were not necessary since they couldn't sit in on the actual Board of Review. While I'm at a loss as to why my Scoutmaster was not there (since his wife was one of my reviewers... :P), I had told my parents that they didn't have to be present, so they were out. However, when all of my people got there, the first thing they asked me was where my parents were. I, of course, freaked out, and quickly called my mom and begged her to come home. Luckily, though, this debacle didn't affect their decision, so I'm glad. :)
My mom texted me like an hour ago telling that she's bringing home Chipotle. Unfortunately, she was at my brother's football game... in Ft. Collins. So it might be a while before I get Chipotle goodness.
Why do I end every post with food? :P
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