About the Awesome

This blog contains the random thoughts of an 18-year-old vocal performance major. Proceed with caution.

About Eric

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Thornton, CO, United States

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Remember When I Blogged...?

So it's 11:29 pm on Tuesday, June 26, 2012. My last post on this blog was in October, and honestly I don't remember writing it. I must have been tired then too. Perhaps I won't remember this blogging experience either.

Anyway, I am now officially a sophomore at the University of Miami, where I had a very successful Freshman year. I managed to get Straight A's (though not a 4.0, due to a nasty little A- in Music Theory first semester), which sort of flip-flops my high school situation, where I never got straight A's, but, thanks to IB, managed to maintain a GPA above a 4.0. The irony is not lost on me.


And now this summer I am working at as a counselor for Camp Explorer, a childcare day camp that runs during the summers in the City and County of Broomfield. It's quite a fun job (and much better than selling knives... hopefully I never have to go down that road again.) There are lots of kids to look after, but overall they're all fun to hang out with and I occasionally have to remind myself that I'm working.

But anyway, I may or may not be working at Camp Explorer again next summer, because I may or may not be going on the UM trip to Salzburg as part of the Vocal Performance program. Nothing's set in stone, yet-- in fact, I don't believe auditions for the program will take place until the spring semester-- but if all goes as planned, that's what I'll be doing for half of next summer. What I do for the other half all depends on what I can work out.

And then, after that, I will be 21 and eligible to start drinking start auditioning for Young Artists Programs. Ideally, I can get a spot in the one at Central City Opera so I can stay in Denver for the holidays, but I'll probably branch out a bit and audition at a few places around the country. After all, I would not want to deny myself the luxury of visiting new places... especially when housing and food is covered and I still get paid. (Which is why opera is awesome!)

But anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. I am still young. But for those who follow this blog but do not see me on Facebook, I will be performing in recital on July 14th at 2:30 at the Cross of Christ Lutheran Church in Broomfield. It will be mostly classical pieces, but if everyone plays their cards right there may be some other genres explored. I don't want to say anything right now. You'll just have to come to find out.

I'll try to get back into blogging. Because I'm super hipster and don't want to do what everyone else is doing, I am abstaining from getting a Tumblr, electing instead to remain faithful to the good people at Blogger, who have housed my random thoughts of spontaneity through the past few years.

That is all. Good evening.

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